FinPon Consultancy

Contracted Handyman Service catering to the Western Eyre Peninsula 5690 district and surrounding area

Please use the below form to log a job request for our services - the form only takes a few minutes to complete and is mobile friendly! Alternatively - please email me @ for all other commercial enquries.

You can also get in touch with me via Instagram or Facebook (check the footer for links). Note that all responses recorded on the form are private and we will never share any of your information without your explicit consent.

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See table below for variations in pricing model, according to the type of job lodged, All prices listed are in AUD. This pricing is subject to differ if you are a business looking to procure ongoing services as part of an agreement.

$50.00 p/hMinimum flat rate charged hourly unless prior agreement reached due to simplicity of job/task
$100.00 p/itemRate charged for tool restoration. If tool is of significant complexity that warrants a longer than average working time, a higher fee may occur, this will be agreed upon between the service provider & the customer, and will be expected to be paid in full before the item is sent back to the customer.

Please note that some jobs will incur an extra one-time (per job) charge of $100.00 applicable for tool wear and tear, fuel consumption, consumable resources etc. This fee will be discussed prior to work being undertaken.


The below list is non-exhaustive, but it covers a wide range of tasks that a handyman contractor may be able to complete. It's important to note that within South Australia - a Handyman or other unqualified profession that is not a qualified electrician or plumber, cannot complete work that is of electrical or plumbing nature, outside of changing a lightbulb, or unclogging a drain.

Please note that if you are renting your property, these decisions will have to be made by either your landlord or the real estate company in conjunction with your landlord.

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I also restore Garden & Woodworking tools!

Looking for a birthday present for the oldies? Feeling guilty everytime you glance at your once shiny, sharp, new secateurs - now covered in rust from being left out in the rain? Maybe there's a family heirloom that has been passed down through the generations and is now in your position - but you've either let it build up a coat of rust or just inherited it that way? That was a mouth full...

If it's old and cool - or even if it's not cool, or even that old - I'm willing to have a go at it, I'll even sharpen it (excluding hammers & other blunt objects... )! Note that any kitchen utensils / shearing or maiming devices, are exempt from this service. No thank you (vegan).

I can accept items that have been posted providing it's within australian borders. If your tool contains exotic woods that could potentially be flagged by customs - please refer to your local customs authority before forwarding the item.

Please refer to the pricing section if you're interested in this service and use the Lodge a job request button to submit and enquiry - or message me on instagram / facebook!